Categories for Sellers

The Dangers of Trusting AI When Buying or Selling a House

Some people jump on the latest technology and dive right in, trying to find every possible use for it. Others just sort of dabble with it, or completely ignore it, until it becomes fully adopted. It happened with cell phones and the Internet, and it’ll likely be the same with ...

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Why Now Is Still a Great Time To Sell Your House

If you were worried buyer demand disappeared when mortgage rates went up, the data shows there are plenty of interested buyers still out there. The housing market isn’t as frenzied as it was during the ‘unicorn’ years when buyer demand was through the roof, mortgage rates were historically low, and home values rose like we’ve never seen before. ...

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Why You May Still Want To Sell Your House After All

Even though you may feel reluctant to sell your house because you don’t want to take on a mortgage rate that’s higher than the one you have now, there’s more to consider. While the financial side of things does matter, your personal needs may actually matter just as much. As an article from Bankrate says: “Deciding ...

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Don’t Ignore Little Problems Around Your House, Because It Could Impact Your Insurance Coverage

  Do you have some loose or missing shingles on your roof? Are your gutters pulling away from the house causing rain to pool at your foundation? Got any annoying leaks in your kitchen or bathroom? Or is there a bit of mold on your bathroom ceiling because of the ...

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